Private Sector Partnerships for Health (PSPH)

PSHP will be implemented over a period of 12 years, from November 2020 to 2032. PSPH’s general objective is to provide Somali citizens, including the most disadvantaged groups, with better access to quality and affordable health services. PSPH will be divided up into two thematic lots

  1. Health Financing Systems (Lot 1) will focus on formal and informal and innovative financing mechanisms that will benefit the poor, which could include social health insurance cover and other financial safety nets. These could enable the poor to receive quality health services at rates that are highly subsidized, and which would therefore reduce financial burdens on the poor that are due to paying for healthcare that they cannot afford.
  2. Private Sector Associations (Lot 2) will focus on organizing and supporting the private sector through health associations and networks. Support will enable these associations to address some of market systems that fail the poor, such as low-quality health provision by staff with limited or no training and capacity, quality and availability of medicines, and engagement with the public sector.

Market System Approach

PSPH will operate in Somalia, the FMSs and Somaliland. The programme has been designed to follow a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach focusing on the following features:

  • Concerned with how the market, systems, rules, and functions negatively affect the poor
  • The poor are place in the epicenter of MSD approaches
  • Focusses on multiplicity of health market actors and the connectivity between them, as well as their motivations and incentives
  • Addresses systemic failings and root causes of market problems
  • Adaptive and iterative
  • Long-term approach
  • Focused on sustainability of interventions that are not continually supported by partners
  • Implementation of MSD approaches is through the facilitation of the market as opposed to being an existing player in the market with their own set of priorities, incentives, and motivations.

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