Our Projects

Private Sector Partnerships for Health (PSPH)
SORDI is partnering with Cardno Emerging Markets (East Africa) Ltd and Swiss Tropical and Public health Institute (Swiss TPH) to implement an adaptive MSD programming in health in Somalia called Private Sector Partnerships in Health

Ensuring Quality Access and Learning (EQUAL) for Mothers and Newborns in Conflict-Affected.
EQUAL is a multi-country research consortium generating evidence on effective approaches to deliver life-saving maternal and newborn health care in countries affected by conflict.

Laser Pulse
EQUAL is a multi-country research consortium generating evidence on effective approaches to deliver life-saving maternal and newborn health care in countries affected by conflict.care in countries affected by conflict.

Country Private Health Sector Effective Engagement for Service Provision
Despite the importance of private health sector in advancing UHC it has not been possible, so far, to formulate an evidence-based strategy on harnessing the potential contribution of the private health sector towards the achievement of public health goals in the Region.

Somalia Health Research Prioritisation
Somalia Health Research Prioritisation project is the first type of health research prioritisation that has ever occurred in Somalia. The project is implemented by SORDI in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It also aims to publish a list of prioritised questions based on the consensus