On Friday, March 3rd, 2023, CAAFINET ENTERPRISE membership drive for 2023, was officially relaunched in Somalia,

THE CAAFINET ENTERPRISE membership drive for 2023, was officially relaunched in Somalia.

On Friday, March 3rd, 2023, CAAFINET ENTERPRISE membership drive for 2023, was officially relaunched in Somalia, in partnership with the Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI), DT Global, and Swiss TPH. Among the attendees were directors of hospitals that are members of the network, as well as representatives from the partner organizations and other key stakeholders. CAAFINET ENTERPRISE works with for-profit network of medical facilities, clinics, and pharmacies that are owned or operated by qualified medical professionals. The network was established to improve the quality of healthcare services in Somalia by promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing among healthcare providers.

At the launch event, the directors of member hospitals expressed their enthusiasm for the network and their commitment to working together to improve healthcare outcomes in Somalia. They emphasized the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in achieving this goal, and praised the partnership with the three organizations as a key factor in the success of CAAFINET ENTERPRISE.

Representatives from the partner organizations also spoke at the event, highlighting their commitment to supporting the network in achieving its mission. They emphasized the importance of private sector engagement in improving healthcare outcomes, and praised CAAFINET ENTERPRISE for its innovative approach to addressing the challenges facing the healthcare sector in Somalia.

Overall, the launch of CAAFINET ENTERPRISE’s membership drive for 2023,  in partnership with SORDI, DT Global, and Swiss TPH is an exciting development for the healthcare sector in Somalia. By bringing together qualified medical professionals and facilities under a single brand, and leveraging the expertise and resources of its partner organizations, the network has the potential to significantly impact the health and wellbeing of the people of Somalia. It will be interesting to see how the network develops over time and its positive impact on the healthcare system in Somalia.