Dhiblawe Clinic Networking Event

The Private Sector Partnerships in Health (PSPH) project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) and DT Global, recently organized a networking event aimed at enhancing healthcare collaboration in Somalia. This event focused on supporting Dhiblawe Clinic and brought together approximately 55 healthcare professionals, including obstetricians, gynecologists, and dental practitioners. The primary goal was to raise awareness about the clinic’s services, particularly for patients who test positive for Hepatitis B during screenings. By fostering collaboration among healthcare providers,

The objectives of the networking event included educating healthcare professionals about the services available at Dhiblawe Clinic for managing Hepatitis B, encouraging referrals of clients who test positive for the virus to the clinic for specialized screening and consultation, and strengthening professional relationships among participants to foster a collaborative approach to patient care. Dhiblawe Clinic envisions a healthcare environment where all professionals are well-informed and actively engaged in managing Hepatitis B, ultimately enhancing the quality of care for affected individuals through a robust network of healthcare providers.

Following the event, the Dhiblawe team distributed post-event evaluation forms to gather feedback from participants. This valuable input will help us assess the effectiveness of the event and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, referral forms were shared with attendees to facilitate the referral process for clients who may benefit from our specialized services.

Overall, this networking event marked a significant step toward building a collaborative healthcare community in Somalia. With participation from around 55 doctors, it successfully highlighted the importance of referring patients with Hepatitis B to our clinic for specialized care. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all participants and encourage ongoing networking efforts to enhance patient support and health outcomes in our community. The feedback collected will guide our future initiatives, ensuring that we continue to meet the needs of both healthcare providers and patients effectively.