Wadaag Insurance Launch Event

On February 3rd, Wadaag Insurance hosted a successful launch event for their innovative Taakulo and Daryeele healthcare insurance products. Key stakeholders attended, including SORDI representatives as a proud Private Sector Partnership in Health.

The evening featured an engaging video on healthcare access and insurance. Wadaag CEO Sulaiman Egeh detailed the new plans’ benefits and coverage. A panel with experts from government, insurance, private sector, NGOs and more explored improving affordability through insightful discussion and Q&A.

During the networking dinner, SORDI shared about supporting private health sector initiatives like this launch. Chairman Abdirashid Baaxeer then provided enrollment guidance to simplify sign-ups.

Wadaag thanked attendees, including valued partner SORDI, as the launch progresses their mission of enhancing healthcare accessibility and affordability.

SORDI proudly supports strengthening the private health sector and innovative financing solutions. Efforts like Wadaag’s align with SORDI’s commitment to an equitable, inclusive healthcare system for all Somalis.