The Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) successfully conducted a joint training on customer care at Dhoolayare Hotel in Hargeisa. This event...
Read MoreSomali Research and Development Institute

SORDI is a Somalia-focused, independent think tank, multidisciplinary research and capacity development institute specializing in addressing complex health, education, disaster climate resilience and humanitarian crisis in Somalia. SORDI focuses on institutional capacity development and the comprehensive study of disaster resilience, climate change adaption, natural resources management and water, nutrition and food security, health systems, sustainable and quality education, public financial management and media and governance.
What We Do
Research and Knowledge Management
Design Thinking, Ideation and Innovation
Advocacy and Awareness
Monitoring and Evaluation
Third party monitoring

Relaunched of CAAFINET ENTERPRISE membership
On Friday, March 3rd, 2023, the CAAFINET ENTERPRISE membership drive for 2023, was officially relaunched in Somalia, in partnership with the Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI), DT Global, and Swiss TPH. Among the attendees were directors of hospitals that are members of the network, as well as representatives from the partner organizations and other key stakeholders.
CAAFINET ENTERPRISE works with for-profit network of medical facilities, clinics, and pharmacies that are owned or operated by qualified medical professionals. The network was established to improve the quality of healthcare services in Somalia by promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing among healthcare providers.

College’s international impact: Reinvigorating Somali education
A multi-national evaluation team led by ELRC met in Nairobi, Kenya to analyze Somali education data and formulate recommendations for education programming and education policy

Somalia Health Prioritisation Workshop
News & Updates
Joint Hospital Management Training
The Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) hosted a successful Joint Hospital Management Training in Borame. This event brought together key stakeholders...
Read MoreMoU Signing Between SMA and PSPH Project
The official signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Somali Medical Association (SMA) and the Private Sector Partnerships in Health...
Read MoreCash Flow Management Training
The Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) hosted the first Cash Flow Management training. This event, attended by 22 finance directors from...
Read MoreTraining and Networking Event by Dhiblawe Clinic
The Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) is excited to share the success of a recent training and networking event conducted by...
Read MoreSORDI Participates in the Somali Pharmaceutical Conference
The Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) is honored to have participated in the Somali Pharmaceutical Conference. This prestigious conference served as...
Read MoreAdvancing Midwifery Education in Somalia
On September 20, 2023, the Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) organized a validation meeting for midwifery stakeholders. The purpose of this meeting was to validate and finalize the findings of a rapid assessment conducted on midwifery pre-service education in Mogadishu and Galgaduud. The assessment aimed to assess the extent to which midwifery pre-service education programs meet national and global standards, and propose recommendations for improvement.

Recent Projects

Private Sector Partnerships for Health (PSPH)
SORDI is partnering with Cardno Emerging Markets (East Africa) Ltd and Swiss Tropical and Public health Institute (Swiss TPH) to implement an adaptive MSD programming in health in Somalia called Private Sector Partnerships in Health (PSPH) funded by The Swiss Agency

Ensuring Quality Access and Learning (EQUAL) for Mothers and Newborns in Conflict-Affected
EQUAL is a multi-country research consortium generating evidence on effective approaches to deliver life-saving maternal and newborn health care in countries affected by conflict. EQUAL is made up of six partner organizations including

Somalia Health Research Prioritisation
Somalia Health Research Prioritisation Somalia Health Research Prioritisation project is the first type of health research prioritisation that has ever occurred in Somalia. The project is implemented by SORDI in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.